Par Oneri’ – Equal to the Task

 News letter April 2014

              Par Oneri’ – Equal to the Task



Robert (Bob) Lee

Bill Williams

Kay Rudd (nee Spencer)



3 Transport Association (Inc)     OFFICE BEARERS


PATRON:                           COL. Michael Miller RFD ADC

PRESIDENT:                       Kevin Connelly WO1 (Retd)            Phone:    0407 252 675


VICE PRESIDENT:                Graeme Marshall                                 Phone: 02 9798 6212

                                                                                                                                 Mob:      0408 235 077



HON SEC/TREASURER:             Gary Smith                                           Phone:   02 6582 6276

3 Orion Close Port Macquarie 2444                                                                      Mob:        0412 563 121



ASSISTANT SEC.                        Robert Duggan                                     Phone:   0412 300 407

Webmaster                                                                                                  E-Mail:


                                                         Peter Clarke                                         Phone:   0419 394 349

                                                         Ian (Cleo) Cleland                               Phone:   0450 525 863

                                                         Eric Denning

                                                        Reg Denning                                        Phone:   0408 132 324

                                                        Sam Ekermawi                                     Phone:   0412 065 910

                                                       Rohan McCardell                                 Phone:   02 9872 3403

                                                       Peter Pether

                                                       Paul Sansom                                        Phone:    0408 811 603



Association Website:



Message from the President


Welcome to my first “message” for 2014 and what will be a significant year for all who have been associated with 3 Trucks past and present. Firstly, I would like to say a welcome to MAJ Errol Christian, OC 3 Tpt. Sqn., and thank you for your contribution to this “Newsletter” which I am sure will become a regular feature.


In this “message” I wish to comment on the following events past and present.


  • Princes Royal Banner Dedication   1st – 2nd June 2013


On Saturday 1st June 2013, with Mac McCardell, Denis Keane, Don Willey Gary Smith and our official photographer Bob Pink we attended the Corps Dedication of the Princess Royal Banner at Amberley Air Force base. The Parade was well worth watching and fine display was put on by all participating. Afterwards a reception was held at the Bob Andrae Centre, for those viewing and participating in the parade, During the reception we were introduced to the Queensland Governor as the “Old and the Bold”. The majority of us were wearing our Association jackets with the RAASC Badge. You couldn’t believe the number of current soldiers/officers asking questions re the RAASC. No wonder we were called the Old and the Bold.


That evening “The Princess Royal Dinner” was held at the Sofitel Brisbane Central Hotel celebrating the RACT 40th anniversary.  This was an enjoyable night with all of us on the same table with our Patron COL Michael Miller and Mrs Miller as well as the OC 3 Transport, MAJ Errol Christian. Unfortunately Bob Pink was seated at a different table, but as always Bob knew everybody on the table.


The Sunday morning we attended the service for the Laying up of the Princess Alice Banner at All Saints' Chapel, Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera. This was as equally impressive as the previous day. It definitely was a weekend not to be missed and the memories lasting. The Corps can be proud of the weekend it produced to celebrate the 40th Anniversary.


During our time in Queensland both our Honorary Secretary and I lobbied senior officers of the Corps to allow the Banner to be paraded in the 2014 Sydney Anzac Day March and the significance of “3 Trucks” centenary this year. From our conversations we were quietly confident that “Princess Royal Banner” would be paraded on Anzac Day 2014.



  • Anzac Day 2014.


I am happy to report that the Sqn has been able to secure the Princess Royal Banner for the 2014 Sydney Anzac Day March. The Unit members will form a 50 personnel armed guard. Also, the Association has been able to lobby the RSL Anzac Day March Committee for a place of prominence in the 2014 March. The Banner Party and the Association will lead Post WW11 Army in front of the Arms and Services.


Thus, please note the change this year from our regular form up point. The Form-Up Point will be in Castlereagh Street near Hunter Street. We will then move to Hunter Street as per usual and then along Pitt St, Martin Place, George Street, Bathurst Street to Elizabeth Street. Suggested form up time from 9.30 to 10am.


This year the Corps has changed from the “Shark Bar” to the Criterion Hotel on the corner of Park and Pitt Streets, thus after the march we will proceed to the Criterion and enjoy the good company of all. The Squadron has also indicated they will join us, after they have secured the “Banner” weapons and changed into civilian attire.


Also, I would like to remind all members that Ashfield RSL Sub–Branch will be conducting their Anzac Sunday Commemoration on 13th April 2014 at Ashfield Park commencing at 09:30hrs. The Association has been cordially invited to participate in this service and has accepted.


  • Personnel


John Walsh.

John has moved to Victoria to be with his family. I would like to thank John for all the assistance given to the Association for the past 13 years as Vice president.

On behalf of the Association, I wish him well for the future.


The Late Bill Williams.

About three months before Bill passed away, both Don Willey and I visited Bill at the Mater Hospital in Newcastle. After a short time in discussing his illness, the “old war’s came to bear”  Bill’s last comment was he wanted Geof Jacobs to know that he wasn’t getting the KVA back, he had repainted from Olive green to bright red. Looks like Geof you will never get it back now.


Finally, it would be remiss of me not to thank a number of people who have worked behind the scenes in achieving what should be a memorable 2014 Anzac Day for both

the Association and Squadron. Firstly, our Patron COL. Michael Miller for his tireless efforts in helping to secure the “Banner”,  MAJ Errol Christian for his enthusiasm and commitment to celebrate this special year and encouraging a closer relationship between the Squadron and Association. Bob Duggan and Gary Smith for their commitment in making this year a special year for the both the association and squadron and Graeme Marshall in supporting Bob and Gary since joining the committee.


Remember, the Unit is 100 years on the Order of Battle this year. So I ask all members to make an extra effort to contact as many non association members to march with

us on Anzac Day to celebrate this very special occasion. I would also like to issue a “Warning Order” for members that a formal dinner is being organised for August 2014, to celebrate the 100th anniversary, details will be posted to all once Anzac Day Commemorations are finished. 


On closing I wish all members and friends of the Association the very best.


Kevin Connelly.




3 Transport Squadron Update


MAJ Errol Christian.


2014 is shaping up to be a challenging but enjoyable year for the members of the Squadron. Not only is it the 100th anniversary of the formation of the

Squadron's antecedent unit, 3rd Transport Company Australian Army Service Corps, in 1914 but the Squadron, along with the remainder of the

5th Combat Service Support Battalion, is about to undergo a significant transformation and relocation under Plan Beersheba to meet the evolving needs of the

5th Brigade and the Australian Army as a whole. Notwithstanding all of these changes, the Squadron is still actively involved in the conduct of trade and

specialist courses with the results of an active recruiting campaign starting to bear fruit with an influx of new soldiers in both Sydney and Canberra.


All the members of the Squadron are excited to be involved in the 100th anniversary celebrations, which are likely to be the highlight of the year. We are actively

preparing for the upcoming Anzac Day parade in the City with the Association with planning underway for us to parade The Princess Royal Banner. We haven't

had much in the way of ceremonial activities over the past couple of years, so this will be a good opportunity for the members of the Squadron to dust off their

ceremonial polys and participate in what is likely to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to march through the city with our Corps banner. We are also looking

forward to enjoy the company of the Association and other past members of the Squadron/Company at a formal dinner to be held in August. Again, we will be requesting

The Princess Royal Banner for that dinner and hope that the Head of Corps and the Corps RSM will be able to attend.


From an organisational perspective, the Squadron is about to undergo some significant changes in the near future. The Army has embarked on an ambitious plan,

called Plan Beersheba, to reorganise the way it prepares for operations. This plan calls for a structure of three - three Regular brigades cycling through a three year

training cycle with one brigade always ready to be deployed on operations. In order to support this cycle, each Regular brigade has been paired with two

Reserve brigades who will provide reinforcements and additional battle groups and logistic support. As part of 5th Brigade, we have been paired with 8th Brigade

to support the 7th Brigade in Queensland. In practical terms this means we will be exercising with ARA units on a more frequent basis, giving our soldiers greater

exposure as to how their Regular counterparts operate and vice versa. Additionally, we will be adopting an identical organisational structure to all of the

ARA transport squadrons of three transport troops (one medium, one heavy and one specialist) up from our current two. With the introduction of the new fleets

of vehicles into the Army over of the next few years, this will give us a significant boost to our capability.


Behind the scenes, the Squadron continues to maintain a high tempo of training activities. We are currently conducting a range of specialist courses, including

ambulance and dangerous goods, along with trade courses such as MR2 (Unimog). We have a number of new soldiers and officers join the Squadron from Kapooka

and Duntroon respectively and they have settled in well and are starting their journey with us. Getting these newly enlisted and commissioned members up to speed

on the various courses, vehicles and other requirements is important task for us this year. Our manning now stands at 74 (4 Officers + 70 Other Ranks, including

5 ARA soldiers) which is close to our established strength of 76 (5 Officers + 71 Other Ranks) and we form the largest sub-unit in the Battalion.


In 2015 the Squadron is planning on relocating from the Banksmeadow depot to new, purpose built facilities at Holsworthy as part of the 5th Brigade

redeployment plan. This is a very exciting prospect for the Squadron as it will provide us with immediate access to the wide range of training areas and

facilities in Holsworthy, including the Safe Driving Area and cross country driving area. The Canberra based Troop will remain in its current location at HMAS Harman.


In closing, it looks like we have another hectic year ahead for all of us but I and all the members of the Squadron look forward to celebrating the historic milestone

of the 100th anniversary of the unit with all of the members of the Association.


Par Oneri.





ick Parade      Bob Duggan







embership Fees


Membership fees are still $10.00, which covers all administrative costs, i.e., printing, paper, stamps and the purchase of wreaths. All members please

note that dues are payable before the end of our financial year on June 30th. Remember the membership year runs from the 1st July to 30th June.



We are very happy to accept direct deposits to our Bank Account if you wish to pay your Subscriptions by this method.

Bank Account Details: Commonwealth Bank Padstow BSB 062 221 Account Number: 1010 7152 Account Name: 3 Transport Association INC. Reference:

Insert your name.

Please send an email message to our Secretary advising that you have made an Internet Banking deposit for your subscription payment. Please also make sure that

you show your name on the Internet Transfer.







ANZAC Day Sunday 13th April 2014.


As previously conveyed to members, the Association has been and still is closely affiliated with the Ashfield RSL Sub Branch. This year the Sub Branch is holding its

Anzac Day Sunday service at the Ashfield Park, Parramatta Road Ashfield at 0930hrs. At the conclusion of the service, those members of the Sub Branch, the

Association and the community are invited to march back to the club, distance 1.8 Kms, where refreshments will be served.


The Sub Branch is providing a bus to take participants in the service from the Ashfield RSL Club, Liverpool Road, Ashfield to the park. The first bus will leave the

club at 0800hrs with the last departing at 0900hrs.


For those association members who are unable to march because of a disability, you can still take part in the parade by travelling in the bus, which will bring up the rear.


Suggested dress is, navy blue jacket, grey trousers, beret and for those who have them, RAASC /RACT Corps tie.


Your committee would like to see as many members as possible attend this activity and show support to the Sub Branch, which is continually giving their support

to our Association.



ANZAC DAY Friday25th April 2014.


Association members are again invited to participate in this year’s Anzac Day March. Form up is in Castlereagh Street (Hunter Street End) members will need to keep

an eye out for our Association Banner any time after 09:30hrs.

At the conclusion of the march, a reunion will be held at the Criterion Hotel corner Park and Pitt Streets, where other Corps associations will meet and share a

few old stories and a number of ales.


Public Transport (Government Buses and trains) will be free for participants in this year’s march, providing you are wearing beret/medals. Train travel covers areas from Scone in the north, to Moss Vale in the southwest, to Lithgow in the west and to Nowra in the south.


Members, who would normally use private bus companies, will need to check if free travel is available with that particular bus company. In previous years the travel

has been free.


Suggested dress is, navy blue jacket, grey trousers, and beret and for those who have them, RAASC/RACT Corps tie.


Your committee would like to see as many members as possible support this activity.





(Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984)


To:                                                                                                                  Telephone: (02) 6582 6276

The Secretary/Treasurer                                                                                  E-mail:

3 Transport Association

3 Orion Close



SERVICE No: ...................................                                                  Rank: ..........................


Surname: .................................................................Given Names: ………………………………..

Address: .........................................................................................................................

................................................................................................. Postcode: …………………

Home Telephone: (     )..................................... Work Telephone: (   ).......................................................

Fax: (     )………………………………………….. Mobile: ………………………………………………

Email Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….....


I hereby apply to become a member of the above named incorporated association. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time of being in force.

Under the Privacy Act 1988, 1 consent to the disclosure of my personal particulars given above to other members of the 3 Transport Association.

Yes   /  No   (please circle your response)

Signature of Applicant: .....................................................         Date: .........................................


Joining Fee                            $ 10-00

(One-Off Fee)

Subscription:                                        $ 10-00

(1Jul to 30Jun)


             Name Badge:

                             RAASC/RACT     $ 12-00                  Name to Appear on Badge:__________________________

                RAEME                 $ 12.00                                                                                                  Please Print



Total                                   $___________      

INTERNET BANKING:  BSB: 062 221 Account No: 1010 7152 Account Name: 3 Transport Association INC.

                                                  Reference: Your Name.






Revised: Apr 13.

Note from the Webmaster;

Please excuse any out of alignment in this newsletter as

I have just got out of hospital.


Bob Duggan                                                                                   



3 Transport Association (Inc) OFFICE BEARERS

PATRON: COL. Michael Miller RFD ADC

PRESIDENT: Kevin Connelly WO1 (Retd) Phone: 0407 252 675


VICE PRESIDENT: John Walsh Phone: 02 9797 7373

HON SEC/TREASURER: Gary Smith Phone: 02 6582 6276

3 Orion Close Port Macquarie 2444 Mob: 0412 563 121


ASSISTANT SEC. Robert Duggan Phone: 0412 300 407

Webmaster E-Mail:

COMMITTEE: Peter Clarke Phone: 0419 394 349

Ian (Cleo) Cleland Phone: 0450 525 863

Eric Denning

Reg Denning Phone: 0408 132 324

Robert (Bob) Duggan Phone: 0412 300 407

Richard Mason Phone: 0422 719 143

Rohan McCardell

Special Projects Officer: Murray Taylor Phone: 02 4861 5664

Mob: 0422 163 708



Message from the President

The New Year has already started with the Association holding another successful event in Canberra on the 4th March 2011, this being

the “Blessing of the Plaque”. The Association was once again privileged to have the Head of Corps Royal Australian Corps of Transport in

attendance, BRIG David Mulhall AM.

The morning started off with members and guests meeting at 09:30Hrs along the Northern Entrance Remembrance walkway for the “Blessing of the Plaque”

 which was
conducted by Rev LTCOL Colin Aiken OAM RFD and the laying of “poppies” on the Plaque by BRIG Mulhall
and myself.

At the conclusion of this brief ceremony members and guests moved into
the Australian War Memorial for a wreath laying ceremony at the

“Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”.

At the conclusion of formal proceedings at the Australian War Memorial members and guests were then invited to partake in a light luncheon at Olims Hotel. 

During this get
together BRIG David Mulhall gave a very enlighten speech as to the significance of the Association, the Unit and
the Corps as well as insight 

into the future.

Mulhall then presented to Major Trevor Worland, OC 3 Transport Squadron, a custom framed memorabilia of the “Plaque Dedication Ceremony” 

the 6
th March 2009. The frame contained a photo of the “Plaque”, a copy of Brigadier David Saul’s speech, and four photos portraying the day.

The framed memorabilia was
donated by this Association and the previous 3 Transport Historical Association.

It was also unexpected pleasure for those attending to witness a special presentation by Brigadier Mulhall, the “Soldiers Medallion - Exemplary Service” to 

one of the Units members, CPL Poppy


On behalf of the Committee and members of the Association I thank BRIG Mulhall for taking time out his busy schedule to be part of this special occasion, 

Rev LTCOL Colin Aiken for officiating
at the “Blessing the Plaque”, 

MAJ Trevor Worland and members of 3 Transport Squadron, especially
the Banner party for a job well done and supporting the Association.

Also to BRIG Jeff Wilkinson
AM Colonel Commandant Royal Australian Corp of Transport.

LTCOL P Moses, Commanding
Officer 5th Combat Services Support Battalion thank you for your support and attendance.

Finally, I
would like to thank COL Michael Miller, our patron, for his continued support of the Association and
being available for these special occasions.

Also thank you to Murray Taylor, Bob Duggan and Gary
Smith for their help in organising and officiating at this ceremony.

There are still five events listed on the Association’s calendar for the remainder of the year:

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Anzac Day Sunday, 17th April 2011

Anzac Day March, Monday 25th April 2011

Reserve Forces Day Parade, Sunday 3rd July 2011

Annual General Meeting, Friday 4th November 2011

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Remembrance Day Sunday 6th November 2011.

ANZAC Celebrations:

Ashfield RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Sunday Commemoration (April 17)

The Association has been cordially invited by Ashfield RSL Sub Branch to participate again this year in the ANZAC Sunday Memorial Service and March.

Anzac Day March Monday 25th April 2011.

As per last year, the Association will again march with the Corps along side 12 Company in the Anzac Day March. Accordingly, the Form up Point (FUP)

will be
in Chifley Square in Phillip Street (along with other RAASC and RACT units); members should be at the “FUP” by 1030Hrs.

Finally, in closing I would like to bring to the attention of members that the Unit will be celebrating 100 years in 2014, and the Association is looking to 

celebrate this milestone along with the Unit. So
members mark in your diary 2014 as a special year.

Kevin Connelly.


From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasurer.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are still $10.00, which covers all administrative costs, i.e., printing, paper, stamps

and the purchase of wreaths. All members please note that dues are payable before the end of our

financial year on June 30th. Remember the membership year runs from the 1st July to 30th June.


We are very happy to accept direct deposits to our Bank Account if you wish to pay your

Subscriptions by this method.

Bank Account Details: Commonwealth Bank Padstow BSB 062 221 Account Number: 1010 7152

Account Name: 3 Transport Association INC. Reference: Insert your name.

Please send an email message to our Secretary advising that you have made an Internet Banking

deposit for your subscription payment. Please also make sure that you show your name on the Internet Transfer.

Subscriptions and donations acknowledged from the following:-

William Burrows, Keith Bushell, Thomas Cambourn (New Member), Ian Cleland, Kevin Connelly,

Keith Corbett, Richard Daniels (New Member), Bruce Denison, Eric Denning, Reg Denning,

John Dilosa, John Donaldson, Sam Ekermawi, Don Hazell, Colin Hogan, Brian Howard, Geoffrey

Jacobs, Imre Kalandy, Dennis Keane (New Member), Rohan McCardell, Graeme Marshall, Brian

Martin, Brian Mobbs, Alan Morris, Kevin O’Brien, Jim Pether, Peter Pether, Philip Rider, Lawrence

Roche, John Van Dam (New Member), Bill Williams, John Walsh, Donald Willey,

Sick Parade

The following members have been on the sick parade list: Ian Cleland, Bob Duggan. Our best wishes

for speedy recovery to Ian and Bob.

Name Badge

3 Transport Association

Gary Smith

Association Name Badges are now available at cost of $12.00 including postage. For RAEME

members your Corps Badge will be subsituted for the RAASC and RACT Corps Badges. To order

your “Name Badge” please complete the details on the “SUBSCRIPTION/MEMBERSHIP

APPLICATION” Form. Please indicate if RAEME Badge required otherwise RAASC/RACT Badge

will be provided as per the above sample.

Web Page

Members page on web site will be updated over the next few months.

Gary Smith.



ANZAC Day Sunday 17th April 2011.

As previously conveyed to members, the Association has been and still is closely affiliated with the

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch. This year the Sub Branch is holding its Anzac Day Sunday service at the

Ashfield Park, Parramatta Road Ashfield at 0930hrs. At the conclusion of the service, those members

of the Sub Branch, the Association and the community are invited to march back to the club, distance

1.8 Kms, where refreshments will be served.

The Sub Branch is providing a bus to take participants in the service from the Ashfield RSL Club,

Liverpool Road, Ashfield to the park. The first bus will leave the club at 0800hrs with the last

departing at 0900hrs.

For those association members who are unable to march because of a disability, you can still take part

in the parade by travelling in the bus, which will bring up the rear.

Suggested dress is, navy blue jacket, grey trousers, beret and for those who have them, RAASC

/RACT Corps tie.

Your committee would like to see as many members as possible attend this activity and show support

to the Sub Branch, which is continually giving their support to our Association.

ANZAC DAY Monday 25th April 2011.

Association members are again invited to participate in this year’s Anzac Day March. Form up is in

Chifley Square in Phillip Street (along with other RAASC and RACT units) members will need to

keep an eye out for our Association Banner and the RACT Association Banner anytime after 1000hrs.

At the conclusion of the march, a reunion will be held at the Shark Hotel in Liverpool Street, where

other Corps associations meet and share a few old stories and a number of ales.

As for last years march, Public Transport (Government Buses and trains) is free for participants in this

year’s march, providing you are wearing beret/medals. Train travel covers areas from Scone in the

north, to Moss Vale in the southwest, to Lithgow in the west and to Nowra in the south.

Members, who would normally use private bus companies, will need to check if free travel is

available with that particular bus company. In previous years the travel has been free.

Suggested dress is, navy blue jacket, grey trousers, and beret and for those who have them,

RAASC/RACT Corps tie.

Your committee would like to see as many members as possible support this activity.


October Newsletter 2010

3 Transport Association (Inc) OFFICE BEARERS

PATRON: COL. Michael Miller RFD ADC

PRESIDENT: Kevin Connelly WO1 (Retd) Phone: 0407 252 675


VICE PRESIDENT: John Walsh Phone: 02 9797 7373

HON SEC/TREASURER: Gary Smith Phone: 02 6582 6276

3 Orion Close Port Macquarie 2444 Mob: 0412 563 121



Peter Clarke Phone: 0419 394 349

Ian (Cleo) Cleland Phone: 0450 525 863

Eric Denning

Reg Denning Phone: 0408 132 324

Robert (Bob) Duggan Phone: 0412 300 407

Richard Mason Phone: 0422 719 143

Rohan McCardell

Special Projects Officer: Murray Taylor Phone: 02 4861 5664  Mob: 0422 163 708

Association Website:


Message from the President

As I take pen to paper or should I say fingers to keyboard I can’t but help think where this year has gone, as

another year closes with the Annual General Meeting fast approaching on Friday 5th November 2010.

Firstly, I would like to inform all members of the Association that our Plaque has now been installed in the

Memorial’s grounds. The Plaque is located in position number 164 on the

Southern side of pathway leading from the car park to the western Courtyard

where it will be able to be viewed by many of the visitors to the Australian War Memorial.

The Association has
now accepted the offer from The Australian War Memorial to hold a

service commemorating the laying of the plaque along with a short service in

the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier”, this ceremony is only offered to a few,

thus we must have impressed the AWM with our excellent turn out and service in 2009.

Planning has started for this
service to be held on 4th March 2011,

with a Reunion afterwards at Olims Hotel Canberra Cnr Ainslie & Limestone Ave Braddon. 2011.

see if we can out do 2009.

For members who may be looking for accommodation, the Association has liaised with Ridges Lakeside

Hotel, located at 1 London Circuit Canberra ACT for a group rate of $145 for a room per night and $20 per

person per night for a full Breakfast. To make a reservation you will need to do the following:

Contact 1800026169

Quote Group Reference Number “X-0303WAR”

Indicate number of nights, i.e., one night, Thursday 3 March 2011 and/or two

night Thursday and Friday 3 & 4 March 2011,

Indicate number of person(s)

Provide your contact details and your method of payment

Ask for conformation by Email

You can also contact Stephanie Smith (Reservations) at Ridges Lakeside through the above

1800 number or email to stephanie_smith@

Members will be kept informed of all arrangements by for this event by Newsletters and the Association’s

web page (

Secondly, I would like to remind all members of the following events:

AGM on Friday 5th November 2010 at 1900hrs to be held at Ashfield RSL (Agenda Attached).

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Remembrance Day Sunday 7th November 2010 commencing at 1045Hrs.

Finally, before closing I would like to thank all Committee members for 2010 for all their help during the

Year. Also, I especially want to mention two members of the committee, Bob Duggan (Web Master), who

has been on “Sick Parade’ throughout year and Gary Smith (Secretary/Treasurer), whose employment

commitments have increased this year, for their tireless support and continuous donations to the Association

throughout the year.

In conclusion, I would like to pass on to All Members and Friends of the Association the very best wishes

for the coming festive season.

Kevin Connelly.

From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasurer.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are still $10.00, which covers all administrative costs, i.e., printing, paper, stamps and the

purchase of wreaths. All members please note that dues are payable before the end of our financial year on

June 30th. Remember the membership year runs from the 1st July to 30th June.

Reserve Force Day Activities

As members would be aware the Association did not take part in the Reserve Forces Day (RFD) Parades for

the years 2009 and 2010. The reasons being:

In 2008, because of the information the Association received from the Catholic Church re marching

in College Street was different to that indicated by the RFD Council for the 2009 activity, together

with the fact that the new format for the 2009 parade in the Domain that Associations would need to

march onto the parade behind the Standard donated by the Pratt Foundation and could not march

behind their Banner, it was decided at the 2008 Annual General Meeting that the Association would

not participate in the 2009 RFD activities. As a result of this decision, the Association’s web address

and any referral to our Association either by mail or email was discontinued by the RFD Council.

Due to the format not changing for the 2010 parade (similar to that of 2009, i.e., Association Banner

marched on separately and held ground on the perimeter of parade ground and Association would

march on the parade behind the Standard and form up in front of the Association Banner on the

Parade Ground), it was decided at the 2009 Annual General Meeting the Association would not

participate in the 2010 RFD activities.

About 6 weeks ago the President of the Association was informed by a member of the RDF Committee that

our Association was the only Association not participating in the RFD activities. Further, that the RFD

Council considered that the decision not to participate was a result of poor leadership on the part of the

Association committee and especially that of the President.

Early this month both the President and I have received material for the RFD Launch in November at

Victoria Barracks and next year’s parade in the Domain. The format for the Domain Parade is similar to that

of 2009 and 2010, i.e., Association Banner is marched on separately and held ground on the perimeter of

parade ground and Association would march on the parade behind the Standard and form up in front of the

Association Banner on the Parade Ground.

In the past as the decision not to participate in the RFD activities was made by those members attending the

AGM, the executive of your Association considered that the decision whether to participate in 2011 activities

should be made by the whole membership of the Association, irrespective of whether members could attend

such activity or not.

Therefore you are asked to reply to the following question listed hereunder.

Question 1. “Should the Association participate in the RFD 2011 Parade marching behind the




If you indicate Noto the first question, please go to Question 2.

Question 2. “Should the Association participate in the RFD 2011 Parade if marching behind our

Banner was permitted?”




When responding by either email or mail please just indicate SURVEY” answer to question 1, 2 and/or both

together with any comment. Your responses would be appreciated No Later than 31st October 2010, so that

they may be collated and presented at the AGM.

Gary Smith.

Annual General Meeting of 3 Transport Association

Friday 5h November 2010


1. Meeting declared open and apologies noted.

2. Remembrance of “Fallen Comrades” and Family

3. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting.

Matters arising from the Minutes

4. Treasurer’s Report.

Matters arising from the Treasurers Report.

Appointment of Auditor

5. Correspondence.

6. Election of Office Bearers


Vice- President



Public Officer

7. Events

8. General Business.

Historical Funds

9. Meeting Closed.



To: Telephone: (02) 6582 6276

The Secretary/Treasurer E-mail:

3 Transport Association

3 Orion Close


SERVICE No: ....................... Rank: ..........................

Surname: .....................................Given Names: ………………….........
Address: .............................................................................


Home Telephone: ( )....................................... Work Telephone: ( )............................................................

Fax: ( )………………………………………….. Mobile:……………………………………………………

Email Address:...............................................................................

I hereby apply to become a member of the above named incorporated association. In the event of my

admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time of being in force.

Under the Privacy Act 1988, 1 consent to the disclosure of my personal particulars given above to other members of

the 3 Transport Association.

Yes / No (please circle your response)

Signature of Applicant: .........................................
Date: .................................................

Joining Fee $ 10-00

(One-Off Fee)

Subscription: $ 10-00

(1Jul to 30Jun)


Name Badge:

RAASC/RACT $ 12-00 Name to Appear on Badge:__________________________

RAEME $ 12.00 Please Print

RACT Dress Tie: $ 40-00

RAASC Tie: $ 40-00

RAASC Pocket: $ 40-00

RACT Pocket: $ 40-00


Total $___________

All cheques etc. should be made payable to 3 Transport Association Inc) Revised Mar 10


March Newsletter


3 Transport Association (Inc) OFFICE BEARERS

PATRON: COL. Michael Miller RFD ADC

PRESIDENT: Kevin Connelly WO1 (Retd) Phone: 0407 252 675


VICE PRESIDENT: John Walsh Phone: 02 9797 7373

HON SEC/TREASURER: Gary Smith Phone: 02 6582 6276

3 Orion Close Port Macquarie 2444 Mob: 0412 563 121


COMMITTEE: Peter Clarke Phone: 0419 394 349

Ian (Cleo) Cleland Phone: 0450 525 863

Eric Denning

Reg Denning Phone: 0408 132 324

Robert (Bob) Duggan Phone: 0412 300 407

Richard Mason Phone: 0422 719 143

Rohan McCardell

Special Projects Officer: Murray Taylor Phone: 02 4861 5664

Mob: 0422 163 708

Association Website:

Message from the President

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members and their families a healthy and prosperous


It  was  planned that  on  the  5th March  2010  we  would  be  conducting  another  successful  gathering  at  the

Australian  War  Memorial  to

commemorate the  laying  of  the  plaque.

This ceremony is only offered to a few,

thus we must have impressed the AWM

with  our excellent  turn  out  and  service

last year.  But alas we are unable to hold

this  function  for  reasons beyond  the

Association’s  control.  Presently, the

Plaque  has  not  been  laid  in  the  ground

along  with  a  number of  other  Plaques.

The AWM is  still  to  lay  new  paths  for

these  plaques.  Thus,  through

consultation  between  ourselves  and  the

AWM we  have  postponed  this  Service

until  March  2011. Let’s see  if  we  can

out do 2009.

There  are  still  four events  listed  on  the

Association’s  calendar  for  the

remainder of the year:

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Anzac Day Sunday, 18th April 2010

Anzac Day March, Sunday 25th April 2010

Annual General Meeting, Friday 5th November 2010

Ashfield  RSL  Sub  Branch  Remembrance  Day  Sunday  7th November


ANZAC Celebrations:

Ashfield RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Sunday Commemoration (April 18)

The  Association  has  been  cordially  invited  by  Ashfield RSL Sub  Branch  to  participate  again  this

year in the ANZAC Sunday Memorial Service and March.

Anzac Day March Saturday 25th April 2009.

As  per  last  year,  the  Association  will  again  march  with  the Corps along  side  12 Company  in  the

Anzac Day March. Accordingly, the Form Up Point (FUP) will be on the corner of Phillip Street and

Bent Street (Southwest side); members should be at the “FUP” by 1030Hrs. Again this year because

of my commitment to the NSW Branch of the RSL, I will not be leading our contingent; my place

will be taken by our Vice President, John Walsh and our Secretary, Gary Smith. (See further details


Kevin Connelly.

From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasurer.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are still $10.00, which covers all administrative costs, i.e., printing, paper, stamps and the

purchase of wreaths. All members please note that dues are payable before the end of our financial year on

June 30th. Remember the membership year runs from the 1st July to 30th June. Our thanks to those who have

settled and to those yet to do so for 2009 – 20010 periods please hurry. If you are not sure whether you are

financial or not or in advance please contact me by e-mail or phone.

Subscriptions and donations since October 2009 are acknowledged from the following:-

O Bennett, C Dirks, A Lyons, K O’Brien, Robert Ross, R Mason, B Mobbs, A Morris, P Rider, A Roderick,

L Shepherd, D Smith, G Smith, D Willey.

Sick Parade

The following members have been on the sick parade list: Bob Duggan. Our best wishes for speedy recovery

to Bob and others who have not been in the best of health lately.

Name Badge

Association Name  Badges  are  now available  at  cost  of    $12.00  including  postage.  For RAEME members

your  Corps  Badge  will  be  subsituted  for  the  RAASC  and  RACT  Corps  Badges.  To  order  your  “Name

Badge”  please  complete  the  details  on  the  SUBSCRIPTION/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION” Form.

Please  indicate  if  RAEME  Badge  required  otherwise  RAASC/RACT  Badge  will  be  provided  as  per  the

above sample. 

For all members who are presently awaiting name bages these should be in the post within the next

few weeks.

Gary Smith.


ANZAC Day Sunday 18th April 2010.

As previously conveyed to members, the Association has been and still is closely affiliated with the Ashfield

RSL Sub Branch. This year the Sub Branch is holding its Anzac Day Sunday service at the Ashfield Park,

Parramatta Road Ashfield at 0930hrs. At the conclusion of the service, those members of the Sub Branch, the

Association and the community are invited to march back to the club, distance 1.8 Kms, where refreshments

will be served.

The Sub Branch is providing a bus to take participants in the service from the Ashfield RSL Club, Liverpool

Road, Ashfield to the park. The first bus will leave the club at 0800hrs with the last departing at 0900hrs.

For those association members who are unable to march because of a disability, you can still take part in the

parade by travelling in the bus, which will bring up the rear. The RSL Sub-Branch has been able to obtain 5

jeeps for the march back to the club for any of the WW2 diggers who would like to participate in the march.

These vehicles will be in front of the bus.

Suggested  dress  is,  navy  blue  jacket,  grey  trousers,  beret  and  for  those  who  have  them, RAASC /RACT

Corps tie.

Your committee would like to see as many members as possible attend this activity and show support to the

Sub Branch, which is continually giving their support to our Association.

ANZAC DAY Sunday 25th April 2010.

Association members are again  invited to participate in this  year’s  Anzac Day March. Form up is  in  Bent

Street  between  O’Connell  and  Phillip  Streets,  (members  will  need  to  keep  an  eye  out  for  our  Association

Banner and the RACT Association Banner) anytime after 1000hrs. As we are marching with the Corps this

year and due to the depletion of Ex W.W.II members it is anticipated that we will cross the start point on or

before 1030hrs.

At the conclusion of the march, a reunion will be held at the Shark Hotel in Liverpool Street, where other

Corps associations meet and share a few old stories and a number of ales.

As for last years march, Public Transport (Government Buses and trains) is free for participants in this year’s

march, providing you are wearing beret/medals. Train travel covers areas from Scone in the north, to Moss

Vale in the southwest, to Lithgow in the west and to Nowra in the south.

Members, who would normally use private bus companies, will need to check if free travel is available with

that particular bus company. In previous years the travel has been free.

Suggested dress is, navy blue jacket, grey trousers, and beret and for those who have them, RAASC/RACT

Corps tie.

Your committee would like to see as many members as possible support this activity.

(Incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act, 1984)


To: Telephone: (02) 6582 6276

The Secretary/Treasurer E-mail:

3 Transport Association

3 Orion Close


SERVICE No: ....................... Rank: ..........................

Surname: .................................Given Names: ……………………………..

Address: ...............................................................................................................................


Home Telephone: (     )....................................... Work Telephone: (     )............................................................

Fax: (     )………………………………………….. Mobile:……………………………………………………

Email Address:...............................................................................

I  hereby  apply  to  become  a  member  of  the  above  named  incorporated  association. In  the  event  of  my

admission as a member, I agree to be bound by the rules of the association for the time of being in force.

Under the Privacy Act 1988, 1 consent to the disclosure of my personal particulars given above to other members of

the 3 Transport Association.

Yes / No (please circle your response)

Signature of Applicant: ..................................................... Date: .................................................

Joining Fee       $ 10-00

(One-Off Fee)

Subscription:     $ 10-00

(1Jul to 30Jun)


Name Badge:

RAASC/RACT $ 12-00 Name to Appear on Badge:__________________________

RAEME $ 12.00 Please Print

RACT Dress Tie: $ 40-00

RAASC Tie: $ 40-00

RAASC Pocket: $ 40-00

RACT   Pocket:    $ 40-00    


Total $___________

All cheques etc. should be made payable to 3 Transport Association Inc)  Revised Mar 10.



Message from the President

Firstly, welcome to this Newsletter, which has two letters enclosed or attached depending on receipt of this
communiqu€. These letters are the result of an Extra Ordinary meeting held at the end of May.
The first letter is to members from the Secretary stating the decision of the meeting not to participate in this
years Reserve Forces Day Parade and the other is the letter sent by myself, as President, informing the 
Chairman of the Reserve Forces Day Council Sir Laurance Street AC KCMG QC of our decision.
Background information that led to the decision not to participate in the 2009 Reserve Forces Day

In August/September 2008 the Reserve Forces Day Council (RFDC) at its pre information night for the 2009 
activity, advised the Associations present that due to a complaint from the Catholic Church about the noise 
created by the RFD’s March disrupting their morning services, that no march would take place in 2009. 
However, the RFDC activity for 2009 would be a parade in the Domain, with Standards, but No Banners.
When this matter was brought to the attention of our members who attended the Association’s AGM in 
November 2008, it was resolved that the President of the Association write to Cardinal Pell for clarification 
if in fact the Catholic Church did complain about the noise created by the RFDC March on the first Sunday 
in July.

As indicated on our web page in the response from the Catholic Church, no such complaint was made by the 
Cardinal or the senior level of Administrators of the Church. One of our members, Imre (Jim) Kalandy also 
wrote to Cardinal Pell and received the same response. 
When I attended the AGM of the RFDC the above was put to the Deputy Chairman, Arthur (John) Moore 
(who was already in possession of my correspondence to and from the Cardinal) who claimed and was 
supported by the RFDC’s Secretary that it was a verbal complaint from a manager who dealt with the Church 
Choir who raised the noise issue which subsequently led to the cancellation of the annual march. 
Notwithstanding that I questioned at length as to why no written conformation was made to the Senior 
Management of the Catholic Church and the decision not to hold a march should be reversed, I was informed 
that the RFDC had made its decision that a Parade in the Domain would be the activity for 2009.

In early April there was a final briefing on the RFDC’s activity for 2009 whereby the Associations present 
were informed that Association Banners would now be permitted on the Parade, but relegated to the 
perimeter and “hold ground”. Also, Association would march onto the parade behind their Standards, not 
their Banners, and would be in Seniority of Service (Navy, Army & Air Force) with the Army in formation 
groups (2 Div, 5 & 8 Brigades), not Corps formations.

Because of the circumstances surrounding the cancellation of the annual march and the Association not 
being permitted to march behind its Banner or in Corps formation with 12 Tpt Coy as in previous years, it 
was decided to hold an Extra Ordinary Meeting (EOM) of the Association on 22nd May 2009 to decide if in 
fact our Association would participate in the RFDC’s 2009 activity.

Prior to the EOM I was informed by a reliable source that the story about the complaint from the Catholic 
Church, and using this person’s words, was a “red herring” and the real reason for the cancellation of the 
March was that both Federal and State Governments stop funding the RFDC activities. (RFDC couldn’t 
afford Port-a-loos, barricades and other costs associated with running this event)

All the above information was tabled at the EOM, whereby, each member in attendance was given the 
opportunity to speak. Following lengthily discussion, it was resolved unanimously that the Association NOT 
PARTICIPATE in the RFDC’s activity for 2009, the Chairman of the RFDC is informed formally and the 
reunion still takes place as normal.

I have been informed that there are a number of Associations not participating in this year’s RFDC activity, 
both Army and Air Force. Reasons given along similar lines to that above.

Secondly, following our successful “Plaque Dedication Ceremony” in Canberra last March, it was suggested 
by the Australian War Memorial that we may wish to hold a re-blessing ceremony at the plaque in 12 months 
to the day. An application was forwarded to the Australian War Memorial and last week we received approval. Thus, I now ask members to set aside Friday 5
th March 2010, for this ceremony, and then followed 
by wreath laying service at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier along with a get together after the formal proceedings.

Finally, also at the end of May we also lost one of our long standing members and supporters of the 
Association COL. William Charles John Hill MBE OAM ED, the Association passes on our sincere 
condolences to all of John’s family and friends. John’s funeral was attended by our Patron
COL. Michael
Miller, who also arranged for a Piper from the Corps Band to be in attendance.

Kevin Connelly.

From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasurer.

Fees are now due for the membership year July 2009 to June 2010

Membership fees are still $10.00, which covers all administrative costs, i.e., printing, paper, stamps and the purchase of wreaths. All members please note that dues are payable before the end of our financial year on June 30th. Remember the membership year runs from the 1st July to 30th June. Our thanks to those who have settled and to those yet to do so for 2008 – 2009 periods please hurry. If you are not sure whether you are financial or not or in advance please contact me by e-mail or phone.

Subscriptions and donations since April 2009 are acknowledged from the following:-

A Ball, M Black, T Brown, W Burrows, P Clarke, V Donaldson, E Dumbrell, J Greentree, B Howard,
Kalandy, R Leedow, A Lyons, T Majorek, G Marshall, B Martin, G Martin, J May, R McCardell, J Oliver, J Pether, P Pether, W Roche, C Smith, D Smith, J Walsh.

Association Name Badges are now available at cost of $12.00 including postage. For RAEME members your Corps Badge will be subsituted for the RAASC and RACT Corps Badges. To order your “Name Badge” please complete the details on the “SUBSCRIPTION/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION” Form.

Please indicate if RAEME Badge required otherwise RAASC/RACT Badge will be provided as per the

above sample.

Gary Smith.

Colonel William Charles John Hill MBE OAM ED

John Hill was born on 4 March 1913 at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Sydney to James William and Mary Hill who were both then 30 years of age. He was their only child John died on 18 May 2009 aged 96.

In his youth John lived in the then poor suburb of Glebe and was very fortunate to be a foundation member of 3rd Glebe Scout Troop formed on 27 February 1926 just as he was about to turn 13. His interest in Scouting remained with him for the rest of his life.

One of the most significant things that happened to him as a young man from a low income family was that in 1929 at the age of 16 thanks to assistance from the Federal Government and fundraising activities by his local Scout Troop he was able to attend the World Scout Jamboree in England. This trip had a marked effect on John’s life from then on. When he returned from The Jamboree in England he commenced working for the Scouts Association of New South Wales and worked for them till 1934. John’s contribution to Scouting was recognised in 1954 when the Queen personally appointed John a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) at Government House in Sydney.

From 1934 till 1941 John worked as an Accountant for the Electric Light and Power Corporation. In 1941 at the age of 28 he married Marie McLean at St Martha’s Catholic Church Strathfield. The marriage was a very happy one until unfortunately Marie died of cancer in 1989. Whilst they did not have any children themselves they were always interested in hearing from their many friends about their children.

In 2002 remembering how he had been helped by others back in 1929 to attend the Jamboree in England John Hill established the John & Marie Hill World Scout Jamboree Fund. The fund will be managed by the Public Trustee of New South Wales and will become active now that John has died.

Every 4 years a World Scout Jamboree is held in different countries and the Scout Association New South Wales will now appoint a committee to select up to 10 Scouts/Venturers (15/17 age group) resident in New South Wales to be part of the Australian contingent attending the Jamboree. The Trust fund will used to fund virtually all costs for the selected young people to attend the Jamboree. Strict rules as to who is eligible to receive assistance are set out in the Trust deed and applicants will normally come from low income groups with particular consideration being given to applicants from rural areas and for applicants with a disability. It is envisaged that as funds will only be drawn from the Trust every 4 years the Trust could last for at least 40 years.

During the 1930’s and early 1940’s (before he went away to the war) John was a Rover Scout and spent nearly every weekend at the Baden Powell Scout Training Centre at Pennant Hills in Sydney. He was actively involved with the running of this establishment and over the years developed many fond memories of this establishment.

In early 2002 John was advised that the Scouts Australia New South Wales Branch desperately needed to build a new Training Centre at the camp site at Pennant Hills. John immediately agreed to pay for the construction of the building and it was built during 2003 and 2004 (on time and within budget).

The John Hill Training Centre was opened by John on 17 July 2004 and is now in constant use by scouts who appreciate the wonderful gesture by John in paying for the total cost of the building.

During his working life after the war John was involved with Co-Operative Building Societies and spent many years in this industry. He was President of the Co-Operative Housing Societies Association of NSW in 1981.

John’s military service commenced when he joined the Citizens Military Force in 1939. He received his commission as an Officer in 1940. In September 1941 he was seconded to the AIF and saw active service in Middle East and in the Pacific Theatre. He left the Army in July 1947 with the rank of Major. In 1952 he rejoined the Citizens Military Forces and served for 18 years retiring with the rank of Colonel in 1970. He served in many posts in his CMF career and his last posting was as Commanding Officer of 8 Supply and Transport Column at Randwick. In 1965 he was awarded the Efficiency Decoration (ED) for his service as a citizen soldier.

In 1948 John joined an ex service organisation called the Royal Australian Army Service Corps Officers Association and was the Vice President of this Association from 1968 till 1993. He was elected President of this Association in 1993 and only just retired from this position in 2008. He was made a Life member of this Association in 2000.

When he retired from the Citizens Military Forces in 1970 John purchased a rural property at Tallong which is near Goulburn. John had never had any association with rural properties and certainly became a real Pitt Street farmer. He enjoyed his rural property on which he ran cattle and spent many happy days at Tallong.

Some years ago he heard that the Trinity Catholic College Army Cadet unit at Goulburn needed somewhere to hold training camps and bivouacs. John immediately made his property available on a permanent basis to the Cadet unit who continue to use the property many times through the year.

When John was 85 years young he saw a beautiful woman across the dining table on the QE11. This was Joy Batten and John and Joy have enjoyed a rich and loving relationship for the past 11 years’

John has supported more than 40 charities during his life and was recognised for his philanthropy on Australia Day 2007 by being awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) by the Governor of New South Wales Marie Bashir.

Submitted by: Mike Cunneen & Diana Coombe


Reserve Forces Day March, Sunday 5th July 2009.

A Reunion will be held at The NSW Leagues Club Phillip Street Sydney. It is requested that members meetat the Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park at 1030 - 1045hrs, before proceeding to the reunion.As in previous years the committee requests that you wear the Association Dress, less Beret. Again as inprevious years, Public Transport in the Sydney Metropolitan area is free providing you are wearing yourmedals.

Annual General Meeting, Friday 6th November 2009.

The Annual General Meeting will be held at Ashfield RSL Club starting at 1930Hrs.

Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Remembrance Day Sunday 8th November 2009.

This service will be held at the Ashfield RSL Club and will commence at 1045hrs. Refreshments will be

served after the service. All members are encouraged to attend and support the Sub Branch.


Message from the President


First of all I would like to thank the following members of the Association for their efforts over the past year. They are;


Vice President John Walsh:     For his support in his capacity as President of Ashfield RSL sub Branch and Club Ltd
                                        together with his assistance especially at the FUP’s for Anzac Day and Reserve Forces Day.


Hon Sec/Tres Gary Smith:       For his dedication and devotion to this very important position and his  assistance
                           on both Anzac Day and Reserve Forces Day.


Bob Duggan:                             For his financial donation to develop and maintain the Association’s new web page/site


Murray Taylor :                        For his efforts in project managing the design/purchase/application for funds to the DVA and
                          requirements for the dedication of the Association’s Plaque at the Australian War Memorial.


Richard Mason,                       For their support in representing the Association (Banner Party)

Eric and Reg Denning:           at the Launch of RFD 2008 at Victoria Barracks in November 2007.


Don Willey:                              For his support in carrying the Association’s New Standard at rehearsals and

                                                  on Reserve Forces Day 2008


Peter Pether:                            For his support in being custodian of the Association’s Banner and ensuring 
                         it is maintained and delivered to the FUP for Anzac Day and Reserve Forces Day.


All Members:                           For your attendance to the Association’s activities during the past year.



Past Year’s Events


Ashfield sub Branch Remembrance Day Service


This service was again well attended by members of the Association in support of Ashfield RSL sub Branch


Launch of Reserve Forces Day 2008 at Victoria Barracks in December 2007


The Association participated in this launch with its Banner proudly being displayed by the Banner Party consisting of Eric and Reg Denning, Richard Mason and yours truly.


Ashfield RSL sub Branch Anzac Day Sunday


As in previous years it was good to see this activity was well attended by members of the Association who proudly marched behind our banner from Ashfield Park to the Club. No doubt the members did enjoy the LIGHT Refreshment!!!!!!!!! afterwards, thanks to the hospitality of the RSL sub Branch.




Anzac Day 2008


This year was the first year that the Association marched with the Corps rather than with the Reserve Contingent.  From all reports members were happy with marching with the Corps which allowed members to bond/associate with other unit members within the corps, prior to and after the march. As always it was good to see that our Patron, Col Mike Miller lead our contingent, with the dress and bearing of the members outstanding.


Reserve Forces Day 2008.


Again this year the Association marched with 12 Coy as a Corps contingent rather than with other Reserve units marching in Brigade (Arm/Services). Our Association was lead by Don Willey proudly carrying the Association’s new Standard, presented to the Association by the Pratt Foundation. Don also took part in the march past at Parliament House. Don’s picture can be seen on the Association web page. It was also pleasing to see a number of our country members attend, from both the North and South Coast.


After the march, members adjourned to the NSW Leagues Club for light refreshments.


Coming events


The Secretary will list those events in his segment. However, I need to bring to your notice the changes for next year’s Reserve Forces activity. There will be NO MARCH per say, but a parade in the Domain. The reason given for a parade rather than the usual march, follows complaints from the Catholic Church about the noise that disrupts their morning services from the FUP and march past in College Street.


To this end the RFDC (Arthur John Moore) has decided to have a parade with units forming up in Division/Brigade Formation and that only Unit Standards are to be displayed, No Banners.


From my discussions with other association they are unhappy with the RFD’s push to maintain the Arm/Services in the Division/Brigade Formations, especially when considering the Defence (Division/Brigades) do not support this activity by allowing current serving Reserve personnel to attend. Because of the NO Banner policy and the change in format, together with units now wishing to participate as a Corps, a number have indicated that they will not be participating in RFD’s activities in 2009.


In the past the Association has been involved in the RFD’s Launch activities. This year the rehearsals are at the Scott’s College in North Sydney and commence 7.45am on 22 &29 November 2008.


The involvement in RFD’s activities for 2008/9 will be placed on the agenda for discussion as to


1         Participation in 2009 Parade in the Domain in Brigade Formation with Standard only.


2         Participation in Launch on 22 &29 November 2008.


In conclusion, I would like to pass on to All Members and Friends of the Association the very best wishes for the coming festive season.



Kevin Connelly.



From the Desk of the Secretary/Treasurer.


Coming Events


Firstly, we still have two events left on our 2008 calendar these being:


·         Annual General Meeting on Friday 7th November 2008 at 1900Hrs. (Agenda Attached)


  • Ashfield RSL Sub Branch Remembrance Day Sunday 9th November 2008 commencing at 1045Hrs.


            Commemoration Plaque

As mentioned in previous Newsletters the Association had made representation to the Veterans Affairs Department for a grant under “Saluting Their Service” program for the placement of a Plaque at the Australian War Memorial to honour all who have served with 3 Coy AASC/RAASC/RACT. We were successful in obtaining this grant, thus a dedication service will now be held at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra on Friday 6th March 2009. Preliminary arrangements are as follows:


·         1000 – 1100Hrs arrival at the Australian War Memorial

·         1200Hrs Lunch in the Garrison Room for all members and invited guests

·         1400Hrs Dedication Service


It is hoped that All Members, partners and ex-members and friends of the Unit and Association will attend this function. This will be one of the major discussions for the AGM so that final notification can be despatched to all early January 2009.



Subscriptions and donations since October 2007 are acknowledged from the following:-


M Black, S Brown, W Burrows, K Bushell, I Cleland, K Connelly, J Dewar, C Dirks,  V J Donaldson, B Flint,  J Greentree, D Hazell, B Howard, W C Hill, R Hodgins,  I Kalandy, R Leedow, T Maling, G Marshall, R Mason, B Martin, J May, R McCardell, M Miller, K O’Brien, J Pether, P Pether, W Roche, P Rider, R Ross, D Smith, G Smith, J Walsh,  D Willey.


Name Badge


Association Name Badges are now available at cost of  $12.00 including postage. For RAEME members your Corps Badge will be subsituted for the RAASC and RACT Corps Badges. To order your “Name Badge” please complete the details on the “SUBSCRIPTION/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION” Form. Please indicate if RAEME Badge required otherwise RAASC/RACT Badge will be provided as per the above sample.


Finally, congratulations to both Peter Cassar and Alan Lyons on their recent promotions to Warrant Officer Class 1 and Squadron Leader respectively.


Gary Smith.


Annual General Meeting of 3 Transport Association


Friday 7h November 2008






1.     Meeting declared open and apologies noted.

2.     Remembrance of “Fallen Comrades” and Family

3.     Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting.

·        Matters arising from the Minutes

4.     Treasurer’s Report.

·        Matters arising from the Treasurers Report.

·        Appointment of Auditor

5.     Correspondence.

6.     Election of Office Bearers

·        President

·        Vice- President

·        Secretary/Treasurer

·        Committee

·        Public Officer


7.     Events  

8.     General Business.

9.     Meeting Closed.



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